2021 DCI Celebration Events Indy: Important Information and FAQs
Drum Corps International is excited to welcome you to the 2021 DCI Celebration Events in Indianapolis!
More than ever before, we are focused on the safety of everyone involved with our activities this summer, including the thousands of guests who will be joining us in the stadium.
We are continuing to follow the applicable guidance from the CDC, the Marion County (IN) Department of Health, and Lucas Oil Stadium, as well as the stringent guidelines created by the DCI Tour Reopening Task Force.
Despite these efforts, we are all cognizant of the fact that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. We recognize that COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease which can lead to severe illness and death according to the CDC. By entering the stadium, our ticket holders voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.
As always, we are concerned for the health, wellness and safety of everyone taking part in our remarkable activity. With the pandemic in the forefront, we are mindful of the entire community—including our students, teachers, administrators, volunteers and the legion of loyal fans who support them.
Please rest assured that we will continue to monitor guidance from the CDC and Marion County in our preparation for what is shaping up to be a fantastic week of performances by the resilient, hard-working and remarkable performers who will share the greatest stage in marching music upon their arrival in Indianapolis.
We wish you safe travels and will look forward to welcoming you to the Celebration!
Frequently Asked Questions
Health and Safety protocols have been implemented with guidance from the CDC, Marion County (IN) Department of Health, and Lucas Oil Stadium along with input from the DCI Tour Reopening Task Force.
Is there a vaccination requirement for attending DCI celebration events at Lucas Oil Stadium?
We are not requiring vaccinations for spectators in attendance at the event. We respectfully ask everyone to please get vaccinated.
Will temperatures be taken upon entering the stadium?
Event staff will not be taking temperatures for entrance into the venue.
Will masks be required while in the stadium?
Spectators will not be required to wear masks. There are no mask mandates in Indiana at this time. However, pursuant to CDC guidelines, wearing of masks while inside Lucas Oil Stadium is strongly encouraged. All DCI Staff and corps personnel will be required to wear masks while inside the venue for the safety of all.
Social distancing?
Fans are encouraged to be aware of their surroundings and be respectful of all in regard to practicing social distancing. Below are steps that DCI has taken to assist in this regard:
- For 2021, fans will be able to enter through the North and West entrances, closer to the spectator seating. The East and South entrances will be closed, helping you to limit your time in the marketplace if you so choose.
- The DCI Marketplace features a reduced number of booths spread through Lucas Oil Plaza and the West Concourse. We’ve done this to create additional distancing opportunities between corps merchandise booths.
- With additional entrances for spectator entry and the fact that the number of people in attendance each day will be less than it has been in the past, social distancing practices should be easier to manage for all.
Were tickets sold with an empty seat between parties?
No. Requirements for spacing between seats was removed by Lucas Oil Stadium with approval from the Marion County (IN) Health Department at the beginning of July.
Will all or most restrooms be open or will there be limits on the number of people to reduce exposure?
All restrooms in areas that we are using should be open. There are currently no limits regarding the number of guests in the restroom at a given time.
Will there be enforcement of the stadium rule requiring ticket holders to sit in purchased seats ONLY?
All seats are reserved, and stadium personnel will happily assist guests with locating their ticketed seats.
When will the performance schedule be released?
The daily performance schedule is available on the DCI.org event pages for each day: Thursday | Friday | Saturday. Each day will feature the same performance order for performing corps but with the addition of special programming unique to each day’s event:
- The brand new GPG Music Stage will showcase different small group performances each day. Special “Virtual” corps performances and recognitions will be featured on the stadium Jumbotron screens throughout all three days.
- Age-outs will be recognized throughout the day on Friday.
- Saturday’s event will feature special performances from the University of Cincinnati Marching Bearcat Band, The Columbus Saints, the U.S. Marine Drum & Bugle Corps, and a very special DrumLine Battle between the Memphis Youth Arts Initiative and the ATL Drum Academy.
- Thursday’s event will begin at 3 p.m. ET.
- Events on Friday and Saturday will start at 2 p.m. ET each day.
- All three days of DCI Celebration events are scheduled to end at approximately 11:00 PM ET.
What can we bring into Lucas Oil Stadium?
Lucas Oil Stadium has determined that the 2021 DCI Celebration Events do not require adherence to the NFL “Clear Bag” Policy. However, the size of what you bring in should be limited to a maximum size of 12 x 6 x 12. All bags will be searched upon entrance and no outside food or beverages are permitted in Lucas Oil Stadium.
Is Lucas Oil Stadium cashless?
Lucas Oil Stadium is a cashless stadium and only accepts card and mobile payment for both concessions and stadium retail purchases. It is also likely that many corps in the DCI Marketplace will be cashless. There are two cash-to-card kiosks located at Sections 144 and 543 for those who prefer not to use their own cards or who prefer to carry cash.
Will there be a Friends of DCI credential this year?
This year you will only need your mobile ticket on your smartphone for entry into the stadium. There are no other credentials for Friends of DCI or spectators.
Can I leave the stadium and re-enter later?
Yes, stadium exit and re-entry are available through the North and West entrances. Upon exit you will receive a wristband from the gatekeepers. Upon re-entry, you will need to show your ticket and wristband to gain re-admittance. Wristbands will be different for each day.
Can I go to the parking lot to watch warmup or see my corps member?
No. The parking lot where corps are parked are closed to the general public at the request of the participating organizations and at the advice of public health officials. Special credentials will be required to enter the lot. Only authorized corps personnel and DCI Staff members will have those credentials. Please help keep members and staff safe by respecting this safety zone. Fans will be permitted to visit Military Park to watch corps warmup, but must maintain a minimum distance of 20 feet from all performers and corps personnel. Please observe all posted signs. We truly appreciate your cooperation in maintaining the safety of everyone involved in these DCI Celebration Events!
Can I buy tickets at the stadium?
Yes, you can by visiting the Lucas Oil Box office at the Southeast corner. Please note that the box office is cashless. You will also need a smartphone to receive your tickets as no paper tickets will be printed.
Is there a will call window?
No, there is no will call window. All tickets must be purchased and present on your mobile device in order to gain access to the stadium.
Will I be able to purchase my 2022 Friends of DCI Membership or secure my place in line for the 2022 Super 3 Ticket package at the stadium as I have in the past?
The answer is no and yes. Previous participants in the Friends of DCI and Super 3 Ticket programs will be receiving information soon concerning the 2022 advance ticketing process. All purchases will now be handled online and we will no longer be using paper forms. Access to these programs will be available starting at noon, 12 p.m. ET on Thursday, August 12. DCI ticket staff will be available at the box office to assist and answer any questions you may have.
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