This past Tuesday was DCI executive director Dan Acheson's 10th anniversary in that role. That night DCI colleagues gathered at a restaurant near the DCI office to toast Dan, and presented him with a World Championship ring commemorating the 1975 Madison Scouts victory. Dan was a baritone player in that corps. This video depicts the ring presentation -- longtime DCI broadcast and DVD producer Tom Blair gives the introduction.
Acheson's tenure has been a remarkable run. When he assumed the role of executive director, times were rough for DCI financially. His tenacity and energy have carried the organization and the activity to where it is today -- at the very helm of the marching music activity. Over the next couple weeks we'll be posting more about Dan's run as executive director, so stay tuned.
Acheson's tenure has been a remarkable run. When he assumed the role of executive director, times were rough for DCI financially. His tenacity and energy have carried the organization and the activity to where it is today -- at the very helm of the marching music activity. Over the next couple weeks we'll be posting more about Dan's run as executive director, so stay tuned.