In This Edition ...

• Cadets contemplate who would survive the zombie apocalypse

Pioneer will go Broadway in 2017

• Troopers mark the 95th birthday of their late founder

• Plus much more!

7th Regiment

7th Regiment named the members of its 2017 administrative team, including a new director and assistant directors.

The Battalion

The Battalion announced its 2017 educational and design staff members.

Blue Devils

Blue Devils members talk life outside of drum corps in this deleted scene from “Clash of the Corps.”

Blue Stars

Blue Stars named the members of its 2017 visual instructional staff.


Bluecoats want you to get into the Halloween spirit by carving a “Downside Up” pumpkin and posting it to the corps’ Facebook wall. Special bonus points if you carve “the wink.”

Boston Crusaders

Meet the members of Boston Crusaders’ percussion staff.

The Cadets

The Cadets ask, “Which section do you think would survive the zombie apocalypse?” To find out, check out this behind-the-scenes clip from “Clash of the Corps.”

Carolina Crown

Carolina Crown announced the members of its 2017 color guard staff, with eight members of the team being Crown alums. “I am excited about this team and the wide range of expertise they bring to the Crown guard," caption supervisor Joey Powel said.

The Cavaliers

Take advantage of discounted audition fees from the Cavaliers by registering by November 1.


Colts named the members of its 2017 color guard instructional team.


Check out Crossmen’s cymbal line in this video from the warm-up lot in Atlanta.


Can you figure out Guardians’ impending show announcement from this video? Add your guess in the comments section.

Les Stentors

Les Stentors are hosting a fundraising event near the corps’ hometown of Sherbooke, Quebec, Canada on Saturday, October 29.

Louisiana Stars

What was it like to be a member of Louisiana Stars during the corps’ longest tour to date? Check out this video.

Madison Scouts

Want to give the ultimate Christmas gift to your favorite future marimba star? Sneak a “gently used” Madison Scouts marimba under your Christmas tree.

Oregon Crusaders

Oregon Crusaders has a new PSA video for its local audience, but all will be entertained by it.

Pacific Crest

Since 2008, Pacific Crest has received more than $62,000 in grant money from Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe’s Arts Education Partnership Program.

Phantom Regiment

Phantom Regiment’s audition flyer and poster would make a great addition to your band room bulletin board. Here’s how to download.


Pioneer has announced its 2017 show, “Irish 24601,” based on the Jean Valjean character from the musical, “Les Miz.” The corps wrote in its announcement: “The well-known musical has been used by several corps and bands, but by using only a part of it with lots of clever imagination, the corps’ design team plans to make it another audience-pleasing production, Pioneer version.”

Santa Clara Vanguard

If you live in the Bay Area, you can help out the Santa Clara Vanguard organization by volunteering for the its bingo operation.


Support drum corps and leave your house smelling great. Spartans is supporting its new winter guard program by partnering with Yankee Candle.

Spirit of Atlanta

Jen Karp is the new caption head for Spirit of Atlanta’s color guard. “After helping celebrate the 40th anniversary of Spirit of Atlanta last season, I’m really looking forward to this new role,” Karp said.


Troopers celebrated what would have been the 95th the birthday of the late corps founder Jim Jones with this must-see video from the corps’ archives.

Past Editions

Corps news and announcements (10/21/2016)

Corps news and announcements (10/14/2016)

Corps news and announcements (10/7/2016)

Corps news and announcements (9/30/2016)