Several Division I corps have openings for drum major/conductor for the 2006 season. If you've ever dreamed of mounting that podium and conducting a corps in front of a cast of thousands, here's your chance! Capital Regiment drum major auditions will be conducted at the first camp, Nov. 19-20, at Walnut Ridge H.S. in Columbus, Ohio. Over the course of the weekend, experienced candidates will take part in conducting workshops, and have opportunities to conduct large and small ensembles. Applicants should have a basic understanding of conducting patterns and gestures, as well as score reading. Batons are optional for the audition. Meanwhile, Phantom Regiment's 2005 conductor Will Pitts will not be able to return for the 2006 season due to a conflict with college scheduling. Therefore, The Regiment is expanding its audition process to include the position of conductor. All conducting candidates will be considered for both conductor and assistant conductor positions. The audition information packet explains the expectations and audition process for any and all conducting positions at Phantom Regiment. To apply to receive this packet. Those who have already applied to audition for the assistant conductor position will automatically be considered for the conductor position. Phantom Regiment conductor auditions are open to all men and women of eligible age, regardless of prior corps/band experience. There's a chance that other corps in all divisions are seeking drum majors as well. Contact a corps you are interested in for more information.
Division I drum major openings
by Drum Corps International