A 12,000-square-foot building in the city of Clermont, Fla., has been secured by the Magic of Orlando to use for a bingo hall.
After some minor renovations and a coat of fresh paint, the building will be open for bingo, which is a proven method of financing a drum corps. The state-of-the-art bingo facility will be outfitted with new tables, chairs, and equipment. A concession area will also be open for customers to purchase snacks and beverages. The anticipated date for opening is sometime in late June or early July.
The location of the new bingo hall is ideal, according to the consultants who have been working with Magic throughout the planning phase. Not only is Clermont exploding with development, it is located near the Citrus Tower, one of the first tourist attractions built in Central Florida. The tower stands on the highest point in the state of Florida and will be used as a landmark for customers, literally serving as guiding beacon to the bingo hall.
Dennis Cappello, executive director of Magic, and Tim Heberling, president of the board of directors, are very excited about all the possibilities that running its own bingo operation will bring to the drum corps. Not only will the income enable Magic to establish financial security, it will help it reach one of the administration's long-term goals of lowering its tour fee, making drum corps affordable for all.
The staff and management of Magic believe drum corps fosters leadership, responsibility and personal growth in its members. Lowering the tour fee will not only attract performers, it will make participating in drum corps, a possibility for many who never would have had the chance before.
Magic of Orlando to open bingo hall
by Drum Corps International