Name, age, hometown: Kasey Kidd, 19, Edmond, Okla.
What corps are you in and what is your role this summer? Glassmen, color guard, flag line
Give us your full drum corps/marching music background. First year in corps, been spinning for six years.
How did you decide to be a member of your corps? My tech from high school was in the Glassmen, and when I joined the color guard at the University of Oklahoma with her she told me to spin with her this summer, so I am.

What first attracted you to the drum corps activity? The summer before my freshman year of high school, my new band director took me and the rest of the band to see a DCI show in Tulsa. From then on I knew that someday I would do it, and now I am. I just loved how great the guard looked and I loved seeing how much fun they were having, even during rehearsal. I just had to be a part of that.
What advice would you give to young people who want to march? DO IT! You will never have this opportunity ever again, you are only young once. Don't just come to watch corps, be the one that people come to watch.
The last good book I read: Not counting my school books? Hmm, well, I spin too much to have time for reading.
The last great film I saw: Probably "Troy," I don't really see a lot of movies.
Where I go to school and what I'm studying: I am a freshman at the University of Oklahoma, and I am majoring in psychology.
Jobs I have/have had: I have worked in a law firm for some time now, off and on. I am also an instructor for the Purcell H.S. color guard.
Three CDs I'd want on a deserted island: Dave Matthews Band, Meditation, and my favorite mix CD.
My favorite TV show: "Friends," you can't get much better than six very dysfunctional people who just like to sit around and talk
Favorite performers: Sad but true: Britney Spears, she gives it her all every time, she shows real heart for what she does.
How do you "blow off steam"? It's kinda corny, but I spin, throw massively high tosses, and it works every time.
What are you most looking forward to about the summer? Getting to do what I love most every day, oh yeah , and getting a wicked awesome sock tan.
Best thing about being in a drum corps: The friendships you make, and the opportunity to "get it" every chance you have.
Worst thing about being in a drum corps: Late nights, long bus rides, no sleep. Oh wait, that's good stuff too, hmm.
During tour, the best part of the day is: The evening, when I get to go to bed.
During tour, the worst part of the day is: The morning.
Favorite drum corps personality: The guard guy with the woodblock from the Cavaliers show in 2003.
What I want to be when I "grow up": A Psychoanalyist.
Describe what you think a typical DCI show will look in 2015. Pyrotechnics, all over the place, neon horns and light-up flags.

Kasey Kidd