Jim Prime, Jr. - DCI Hall of Fame
Jim Prime, Jr.
Inducted in 1996
Jim Prime, Jr., has dedicated his life to drum corps. An accomplished teacher, Prime is respected for his unending concern for the kids. According to Thom Hannum, "Prime's students and colleagues have nothing but the highest regard, not only for his musical talent, but his personal integrity. "Jimmer" (as he is called by his friends) is kind, thoughtful and humble qualities which endear him to any individual he encounters."
As a fledgling brass arranger, Prime landed his first job with the Black Diamond Regiment and eventually moved on to the Crossmen, Bridgemen, Garfield Cadets and Star of Indiana. Says Dennis DeLucia, "If the artistic growth of drum corps in the '70s can be defined in part by the brass arrangements of DCI Hall of Famers Jim Ott, Wayne Downey and Jim Wren, then the drum corps sounds of the '80s and '90s are defined by the creative brilliance of Jim Prime, Jr."
Time and time again, Prime has demonstrated his ability to reach the fans through his musical arrangements. Spanning three decades, Prime has given us "West Side Story," "Rocky Point Holiday," "Mass," "Porgy and Bess" and "Pines of Rome," among many other memorable melodies.
Says DeLucia, "He is everything he seems: Talented, brilliant, passionate about music and education and compassionate about people."
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