Here are the voting results of all the rules considered at the DCI rules congress in Atlanta.
Three proposals were defeated in caucus sessions on Saturday and therefore did not proceed for evaluation by the DCI Board of Directors this morning.
The proposal to not include prop handlers in the overall membership limits for corps was defeated 18-1 Saturday. Both the proposals for ordinals deciding the placement at contests and for having overall effect judges instead of music effect and visual effect were defeated 19-0 in yesterday's instructors' caucus sessions.
The DCI Board of Directors voted on the following proposals Sunday morning.
The two score sheet proposals amending language on the front and backs of the adjudication sheets passed 20-0. From now on, the back of the sheets (clarifying the language of the rules) will be administered by the judges' task force so it doesn't need to come to a vote. The front of the sheets (actually affecting the scores) would still need to come to a rules congress vote to be changed.
The proposal for extended warm-ups, allowing in effect for pre-show non-judged programming to be inserted just prior to the judged program passed 20-0.
The amended percussion judge proposal passed 18-2, providing for one judge to be positioned in the stands through July 4. One judge will be used on the field and one judge in the stands (for major events) for the remainder of the season.
The proposal to allow for the visual judge to be in the stands passed 11-9. The original proposal was to have one judge off the field the entire season. An amendment offered in Atlanta that passed moves that judge back onto the field after July 4.
The proposal to increase Division I membership limits to 150 passed 16-4, for implementation in 2008.
The proposal that generated the most amount of discussion among fans was for the legalization of electronics, failed by ending in a 10-10 tie.
Final rules proposal results from Atlanta
by Michael Boo